Category: Addiction Recovery

Finding the Right Sober Support to Heal from Addiction

Addiction is an illness that affects the mind, body, and spirit. Depending upon the drug, addiction can do severe harm to the body. It’s very common for individuals to ignore their nutritional needs by eating poorly or hardly eating at all. Addiction can also change the brain in ways that can make them believe they […]

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How Exercise Can Transform Your Recovery

More and more research is coming to light about the health benefits of exercise. And it’s not just your physical health that benefits from exercise, but your mental and emotional health do as well. Exercise is gaining more and more importance in the fields of mental health treatment and recovery from addiction. We are quickly […]

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10 Things to Ask a Treatment Center Before You Are Admitted

For those who are struggling with substance abuse issues, starting a program at an addiction treatment center can be one of the most important steps they ever take. If you are looking into centers near you, you might feel overwhelmed by options. There are a number of program options, types of therapies, and amenities that [...]
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Quitting Drugs and Drinking Isn’t Just a Matter of Willpower

Many people don’t have a full understanding of addiction. They might believe, for instance, that a person lacks inner strength or willpower. People tend to believe that a person has some sort of personal flaw that is driving them to drink or use drugs again and again. People also tend to believe that a person […]

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The Five Essential Components to Recovery

Those who have been in the field of addiction and recovery can see what works and what doesn't. They can see the patterns that are successful in addiction recovery and those that become the obstacles that lead to relapse. If a person in recovery were looking for the fundamental components of healing, growth, and staying [...]
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Why It’s Important to Know What You’re Feeling

The ability to know what you’re feeling and when is called emotional awareness. Not everyone has this ability and it takes some time to build. However, it’s vital that those who are in recovery from addiction develop some emotional awareness in order to heal. Dealing With Emotions One of the most common reasons for turning […]

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Manage Impulsivity Before It Leads to Drinking and Drug Use

Impulsivity can be a lot of fun in the right moments. For instance, let’s say you’ve put your time into your job and you feel like you’re caught up with everything. On the way to work on one sunny and beautiful day, you have the idea to call in sick, call a friend, and go […]

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