Category: Addiction Recovery

Avoid Isolation When Recovering from Addiction

Often, people isolate themselves from others to avoid pain. They will decline invitations and skip out on social gatherings because they fear possible rejection, abandonment, judgment, or embarrassment. You might feel afraid that someone might not like you, or worse, the whole group might not like you. These kinds of thoughts are common drivers to […]

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Common Relapse Triggers in Recovery

Recovery brings plenty of rewards. This is especially true if you are continuing to stay sober and are achieving your goals. At the same time, recovery can bring many unique challenges. In fact, most people (up to 80%) relapse at least once after attempting sobriety for the first time at a substance abuse treatment center. […]

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Living a Stress-Free Life in Recovery Takes Planning

Everyone experiences stress. Whether you are experiencing stress at work, in your relationships, having a long to-do list, feeling the demands placed upon us by others, or from simply listening to the news, stress seems to be a common experience in life for many people. At Westwind Recovery®, we help you address how to manage […]

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How to Start Again after Relapsing in Recovery

If you’ve made a commitment to sobriety and then you experience a relapse, you might feel disappointed, angry, frustrated, or sad. You might even begin to feel like you’ve lost hope, as though it’s going to be difficult to get back on the road to recovery. However, it’s important to remember that addiction relapse is […]

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9 Celebrities in Addiction Recovery

Addiction does not discriminate. Many celebrities have struggled publicly with addiction to drugs or alcohol. There are many in recovery, though, that use their fame to raise awareness. Consider the following nine well-known individuals in addiction recovery and reach out to an addiction treatment center near you today. What Celebrities Are in Addiction Recovery? 1. […]

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An Easy Way to Keep Cravings at Bay in Recovery

Recovery comes with challenges and, largely, that challenge is yourself. You’ve got to face all the feelings, thoughts, cravings, and doubts that exist inside. You’ve got to face those experiences without the old tactic of avoidance through the use of substances. However, recovery also comes with an enormous amount of support. You’ve got your 12-step […]

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Addiction Treatment for the LGBTQ Community

For those in the LGBTQ community, addiction issues can present a unique challenge. As much as 30 percent of this community battles substance abuse issues, and many never seek out treatment. In an LGBTQ addiction treatment center, you’ll find programs that are sensitive to the needs of LGBTQ clients and address any underlying causes of […]

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Asking for Help Can Make Recovery Easier

Some people are really good at asking for help. They don’t mind picking up the phone to call a friend. They are okay with stopping someone on the street to ask for directions. And they seem to be fine with asking family members to provide their assistance. But there are some who just don’t feel […]

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The Road to Recovery and the Pink Cloud Syndrome

Recovery from addiction is not an easy journey. Perhaps that goes without saying. It will include highs and lows, peaks and valleys, long straight-aways, and sharp turns. It can be a journey that is difficult at times, but also very rewarding. And, if you know that there may be challenging times ahead, then you can […]

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What To Do When You’re Feeling Down In Sober Living

It’s common to have emotional ups and downs when you’re in recovery. Many people turn to drugs or alcohol in the first place to help escape emotional pain. For instance, the loss of a loved one, the loss of employment, or divorce can be incredibly challenging. They can even cause someone to turn to substances […]

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