Tag: therapy

7 of the Most Common Mental Health Issues

Mental health issues are rising in the United States. Specifically, anxiety and depression rates are steadily rising across the country. These conditions are especially prevalent in young people, a major change over the last two decades. Dangers that arise with mental health issues are the unsafe coping mechanisms, such as using drugs or alcohol to […]

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5 Alternative Therapy Strategies for Addiction

Addiction is a complex condition. It affects the whole person and often infiltrates every area of their life. Substance use issues can interfere with the ability to live, work, and play. Left untreated, it claims thousands of lives, breaks up families, and steals joy away from people who would otherwise be giving so much back […]

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Where to Get Chronic Pain Management in LA

Pain is a natural reaction to illness or injury, alerting us that something is wrong. Usually, when the illness or the injury is healed, the pain goes away. When pain persists for at least three months or longer, it is considered to be chronic. The underlying causes of chronic pain are wide-reaching. Research indicates that […]

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How to Celebrate World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is Saturday, October 10th. What are you doing on this day to celebrate mental health and well-being? For many people, commemorating this day may involve taking a bit of time off from work or just de-stressing in some manner. For others, especially those working through mental health issues, there is help […]

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Benefiting From Individualized Care In Recovery

As you set out on your journey of sobriety, you will find that individual care is very important. Benefiting from individualized care in recovery is not meant to exclude or reduce the importance of group therapies. Instead, individual care works together with group therapies to zero in on a patient’s different needs. Every Recovery Journey is […]

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Addiction Recovery: Making the Most of Therapy

After successful completion of in-patient treatment program, many recovering addicts will often find a new set of challenges in the months and years after. Addiction recovery is a continuous process. And while relapse rates are not uncommon for recovering abusers, there are many steps that individuals can take to make the most out of the […]

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