Tag: support system

Benefits of Seeking Mental Health Treatment

At every stage of life, good mental health is crucial to our overall well-being. Life is full of ups and downs, and our mental health status fluctuates to reflect these changes. Everyone experiences periods of depression, anxiety, stress, fear, grief, and anger. For most, these periods are caused by a particular event, sometimes past traumas, [...]
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How Celebrating Stress Awareness Month Can Benefit Your Mental Health

April has been observed as Stress Awareness Month since 1992. This nationwide, collaborative effort aims to increase public awareness about the causes and effects of stress, which is considered by most in the healthcare field to be an epidemic in the United States. Stress is generally defined as any factor that causes physical, emotional, or […]

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5 Ways to Support a Loved One in Recovery

If you are a parent, sibling, spouse, or child of someone who is in recovery at a substance abuse treatment center, likely you experienced what it was like when they were struggling with addiction. You've been through the trials that the illness brings to a person as well as their family. Now that you're loved [...]
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How to Support Your Spouse in Sobriety

Relationships and marriage can have their challenges. However, when you add addiction to the mix, marriages can experience a significant strain. Although your spouse might be sober now, a marriage can still feel burdened by recovery and the possibility of relapse. If you want to offer your spouse sober support in recovery, one of the […]

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Build and Maintain a Solid Support System to Stay Strong in Recovery

Today there are approximately 23 million adults in recovery from addiction in the United States. For anyone of these individuals, there could be something that goes awry in recovery. Perhaps their sponsor relapses or their family moves away or perhaps they go through a challenging heartbreak. These are situations that could threaten a person’s sobriety […]

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Sober Living Gives You the Recovery Tools for Building a New, Sober Life

Have you ever considered what it would be like to leave treatment and go straight back into the life you were living? Would you be prepared? Would you know how to handle everything you encounter? Finding yourself back in the real world is scary. This feeling is multiplied even more if you are not prepared [...]
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