Tag: alcohol addiction

Top Signs You Are a High-Functioning Alcoholic

The classic picture of an alcoholic as a person who always drinks too much and whose life is falling apart only pertains to a portion of people with alcohol use disorder (AUD). A significant number of people appear outwardly fine or even successful, even though they abuse alcohol. Referred to as high-functioning alcoholics, these individuals [...]
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Does Alcohol Alter Your Brain Forever?

Alcohol use is embedded in American culture. Legal and easily accessible, alcohol use is widely promoted everywhere you look. Plenty of people can drink alcohol without developing a problem. However, it is estimated that 15 million Americans have an alcohol use disorder. The terms abuse and addiction are often used interchangeably, but they are different. […]

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Signs of a Functioning Alcoholic

Alcohol addiction might not always look like the media’s portrayal of alcoholics. Only a small percentage of those addicted to alcohol will look like that. In actuality, a large majority of those who have a problem with alcohol can get through the day just fine. They hold down jobs, attend family functions, and often avoid […]

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What It’s Like to Live in a Sober Living Home

Sober living is a recovery option for those who have completed primary treatment for a substance use issue. Sober living is not just a temporary home but a lifestyle. Residential life teaches those in recovery how to function in the regular world without having to turn to drugs or alcohol. The main goal of all [...]
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The Importance of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Day

When asking about the importance of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FASD) Awareness Day, keep in mind that this condition is preventable, and education plays a big role in keeping kids safe. Fetal alcohol syndrome affects as many as nine out of every 1,000 children in this country. The more women that understand how alcohol can impact […]

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How Does AA Help?

Alcoholics Anonymous or AA is one of the largest support groups for recovering alcoholics across the country. No matter where you live, you can often find many meetings within easy distance. This faith-based program follows a 12-step principle that members work on in order. How does AA help those who attend its program and follow […]

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