Tag: sober support

5 Ways to Support a Loved One in Recovery

If you are a parent, sibling, spouse, or child of someone who is in recovery at a substance abuse treatment center, likely you experienced what it was like when they were struggling with addiction. You've been through the trials that the illness brings to a person as well as their family. Now that you're loved [...]
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Asking for Help Can Make Recovery Easier

Some people are really good at asking for help. They don’t mind picking up the phone to call a friend. They are okay with stopping someone on the street to ask for directions. And they seem to be fine with asking family members to provide their assistance. But there are some who just don’t feel […]

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Finding the Right Sober Support to Heal from Addiction

Addiction is an illness that affects the mind, body, and spirit. Depending upon the drug, addiction can do severe harm to the body. It’s very common for individuals to ignore their nutritional needs by eating poorly or hardly eating at all. Addiction can also change the brain in ways that can make them believe they […]

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How to Support Your Spouse in Sobriety

Relationships and marriage can have their challenges. However, when you add addiction to the mix, marriages can experience a significant strain. Although your spouse might be sober now, a marriage can still feel burdened by recovery and the possibility of relapse. If you want to offer your spouse sober support in recovery, one of the […]

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The Incredible Support You Get When You Call For Addiction Help

Most people suffering from addiction are afraid to call for help. When they call for help, they must admit that something is wrong. They fear the judgment and stigma that comes with addiction. Also, they may fear legal consequences and the dramatic change in their life. They fear what's going to happen in their lives [...]
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