Tag: mental health disorders

Benefits of Seeking Mental Health Treatment

At every stage of life, good mental health is crucial to our overall well-being. Life is full of ups and downs, and our mental health status fluctuates to reflect these changes. Everyone experiences periods of depression, anxiety, stress, fear, grief, and anger. For most, these periods are caused by a particular event, sometimes past traumas, [...]
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7 of the Most Common Mental Health Issues

Mental health issues are rising in the United States. Specifically, anxiety and depression rates are steadily rising across the country. These conditions are especially prevalent in young people, a major change over the last two decades. Dangers that arise with mental health issues are the unsafe coping mechanisms, such as using drugs or alcohol to […]

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6 Signs You Have a Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Are you concerned that you or someone you love is showing signs of having narcissistic personality disorder? Maybe you have seen personality changes in a family member or friend. Or you have struggled to maintain healthy relationships or have had negative experiences at work or at school recently. Before seeking treatment for a personality disorder, […]

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10 Celebrities Managing their Mental Health Disorders

If you are struggling with mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder, it can feel isolating. You might not know others who face the same challenges, especially since many individuals prefer to keep their struggles private. This can add to the stigma around mental health issues. However, a number of celebrities have […]

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