Tag: relapse prevention

Common Relapse Triggers in Recovery

Recovery brings plenty of rewards. This is especially true if you are continuing to stay sober and are achieving your goals. At the same time, recovery can bring many unique challenges. In fact, most people (up to 80%) relapse at least once after attempting sobriety for the first time at a substance abuse treatment center. […]

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How to Start Again after Relapsing in Recovery

If you’ve made a commitment to sobriety and then you experience a relapse, you might feel disappointed, angry, frustrated, or sad. You might even begin to feel like you’ve lost hope, as though it’s going to be difficult to get back on the road to recovery. However, it’s important to remember that addiction relapse is […]

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An Easy Way to Keep Cravings at Bay in Recovery

Recovery comes with challenges and, largely, that challenge is yourself. You’ve got to face all the feelings, thoughts, cravings, and doubts that exist inside. You’ve got to face those experiences without the old tactic of avoidance through the use of substances. However, recovery also comes with an enormous amount of support. You’ve got your 12-step […]

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The High Risk of Relapse and How To Prevent It

Once someone completes addiction treatment for drug or alcohol abuse, their journey to sobriety isn’t over. Individuals need to work to maintain their sobriety, which can be difficult. There is a high percentage of people in recovery who relapse. Close to 80% of recovering addicts experience a relapse. However, the causes of relapse are most […]

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Ways to Distract Yourself When Faced with Cravings

If you're a recovering alcoholic - whether you're early in your recovery or have many years of sobriety under your belt - cravings are likely going to be a part of your experience. Cravings aren't easy. In fact, for some, it may be hard to identify a craving, especially for those who are new to [...]
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Fighting Relapse Triggers is Easier With Quality Help

Once you get through treatment and into recovery, one of the struggles you may still face is fighting relapse triggers. With the right coping skills and quality help from dedicated professionals, though, you can reduce the chances of a relapse. That lowers your risk of future problems, and every time you practice your new skills, […]

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