Not all addiction treatment centers are the same, and what makes one center ideally suited for treating one person may make it an inferior fit for another. Every center has different treatment programs and specialties, just like every individual has various addiction symptoms and circumstances. With thousands of rehab centers across the nation, all touting themselves as the best, choosing one ideally suited to your needs requires research. It is imperative to educate yourself on what makes a top-rated inpatient drug rehab center so that you can ask the right questions about your treatment options.

In 2020 and 2021, Westwind Recovery® ranked within the top of America’s Best Addiction Treatment Centers by Newsweek based on accreditation, reputation, and quality of service. Contact us to learn more about our top-rated addiction treatment center in Los Angeles.

What Makes a Great Inpatient Drug Rehab Center in Los Angeles?

Likely, you are not an expert on addiction, so you probably do not know what makes one residential addiction treatment center better than another. Unfortunately, some less credible facilities might try to take advantage of this. It is not enough to take their word at face value. Avoid any facility that does not readily answer all of your questions about their programs.

The best residential addiction treatment centers will be proud of their facility and their programs and will want to share all information with you. Consider the following when looking for a qualified, effective inpatient drug rehab center in Los Angeles:

  • Accreditation, licensing, and certifications for the facility
  • Dedicated and credentialed staff
  • Multidisciplinary Treatment Team
  • Use of evidence-based practices and individualized treatment
  • Specializes in and has a reasonable success rate for your addiction(s)
  • Expert leadership
  • Strong aftercare support program

A sometimes overlooked quality of top residential addiction treatment centers is the amenities they offer. Amenities play a vital role in the treatment process by making clients comfortable and relaxed throughout treatment. At Westwind Recovery®, we offer world-class amenities in an upscale, private, resort-style treatment environment. We also have a concierge program and can provide one-on-one treatment for high-profile clients.

What to Avoid When Choosing a Residential Addiction Treatment Center in Los Angeles

Just as there are qualities to look for in a top-rated residential addiction treatment center, there are things for which you should be on the lookout. Avoid rehab centers that do the following:

  • Promise a cure – Addiction can be treated and managed, but it is a life-long disease for which there is no cure.
  • Claim a guarantee of success – It is impossible to guarantee successful recovery, but it is possible to maximize the chances.
  • Refuse to answer questions – Top-rated rehab centers have no problem answering all your questions about their facilities, staff, and programs.
  • Offer rapid detox – Rapid detox is not only less effective but can be extremely dangerous.

You should also be wary of programs offering a cookie-cutter approach to treatment. Top-rated addiction centers provide an array of treatment modalities to meet their clients’ diverse and unique needs.

Choose Comprehensive Residential Addiction Treatment to Fit Your Needs

A quality inpatient drug rehab center in Los Angeles will rely on evidence-based and holistic therapies proven effective and provide whole-body healing. Further, there should be programs that make rehab fun and engaging. Some of the therapy programs at Westwind Recovery® include:

Medications are often a part of residential addiction treatment, especially for individuals with dual diagnoses, so it’s important to learn about medication-assisted treatment.

Reach Out to Westwind Recovery® to Learn More About Quality Drug Rehab Services

Addiction does not get better on its own and usually worsens over time. Help is available at Westwind Recovery®. We provide top-rated compassionate, effective care to assist you in overcoming the challenges caused by addiction and co-occurring disorders. Westwind Recovery® is recognized as one of the top addiction treatment centers in the nation, and we continually receive acclamation for our innovative treatment programming. Contact us today to learn more.