Recovery Blog

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group discussing the different recovery programs

When struggling with addiction or a mental health disorder, reaching out for professional help can be daunting. But know this: the choices you make now will shape the rest of your life. If you’re looking for greater health and happiness, getting help is the first step on your journey toward…

woman smiling having found sober living homes

There's a reason why children whose parents gave them plenty of structure grow up to be psychologically healthy. The rules and guidelines of the family help the child develop and grow. The structure provides a sense of safety for the child. When a child feels safe, he or she is…

woman making prayer hands outside learning Can Mindfulness Meditation Work for Addiction

Did you know that approximately half the people who enter addiction treatment use a toxic substance within a year? That’s a staggering statistic, but unfortunately, substance abuse is often incredibly hard to overcome. It’s human nature to seek pleasure, but when that pleasure interferes with your ability to provide a…

hands reaching out to help someone overdosing showing how to stop drug abuse

Is it possible to stop drug abuse on your own? Or do you always need professional treatment? While some people might argue drug abuse is a choice that can be altered, in reality—and according to the medical community—it’s a disease. And for most people, it’s not one that’s easy to…

woman wondering will i need extended rehab care

If you’re living with drug or alcohol dependence, you may be contemplating a supervised treatment program. However, you may ask, “Will I need extended rehab care?” The answer depends on a variety of factors. But there are a few initial indications that you may require extended treatment. Though extended rehab…

woman looking out window thinking why do i need alcohol abuse counseling

It is not uncommon for folks entering recovery to ask, "Why do I need alcohol abuse counseling?" Sometimes, people with an alcohol problem will try recovery on their own at first. However, more often than not, this isn't a very successful way. Unfortunately, drinking is usually a symptom of a…

woman smiling outside benefiting from individualized care

As you set out on your journey of sobriety, you will find that individual care is very important. Benefiting from individualized care in recovery is not meant to exclude or reduce the importance of group therapies. Instead, individual care works together with group therapies to zero in on a patient's different…

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