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woman learns about how substance abuse and sleep

If you are having trouble falling asleep at night, you should know that this is a common problem. There are countless people who simply do not get enough sleep on a nightly basis. You might wake up the next day feeling tired, irritable, and could even have trouble focusing at…

an example of neuroplasticity in recovery

Recent research on the development of the brain indicates that this organ is forever changing. Any time you learn something new or do an old task in a new way, neurons in the brain are firing and making new connections. These new connections and the ability of the brain to…

man considers if his obsession is leading to addiction

An obsession is different than an addiction. An obsession is an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind. However, an addiction is an illness that affects the brain, causing a person to engage in compulsory substance use or addictive behaviors, such as gambling.

two women dont let loneliness get in the way of living sober

For those in recovery, loneliness can be a trigger for relapse. Spending time alone can make using drugs or drinking tempting, and some individuals might turn to substance abuse to feel relief from anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. Understanding how loneliness can be dangerous and having a plan…

Westwind Recovery® is now offering a Concierge Treatment Program to offer clients an increased level of privacy and customization. Designed for those who want an elevated level of care for substance abuse and mental health issues in addition to privacy, this program is changing the face of addiction treatment. At…

a group enjoys nature and recovery

While there’s no cure for addiction, there are treatments available to help you manage the disease successfully. Besides traditional therapy, there are alternative options that can aid your efforts at recovery. Spending time outside is one way you can learn to find physical, mental, and spiritual balance. Nature therapy can…

lgbtq focused treatment program

Addiction doesn't discriminate. Substance abuse issues affect individuals from all backgrounds, ages, income levels, and sexual orientations. Drug and alcohol addiction has been found to affect members of the LGBTQ community at higher rates than the general population and is often accompanied by mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and…

professionals giving comfortable medication assisted treatment

Substance abuse can impact people at every stage of life. There is a wide range of treatment options that might be effective in helping you curb cravings and break free from addiction. At Westwind Recovery®, we develop customized treatment plans that are tailored to meet every client's unique needs. One…

brain showing neuroscience

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, you know firsthand that taking your life back from substance abuse is challenging. You might experience cravings or withdrawal symptoms, or you might have gotten sober before but relapsed. Why is addiction so difficult to conquer? The neuroscience of addiction…

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