Suicide is a major public health problem that leaves long-lasting emotional and social damage. Worldwide, there are an estimated 700,000 suicides per year. To raise awareness and support around suicide prevention counseling in Los Angeles, CA, World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 is celebrated on September 10th.

The theme of World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 is “Creating Hope Through Action”. This is a call to action for people to do their part in preventing self-harm. Don’t hesitate to seek treatment if you or a loved one is at risk of suicidal behavior.

World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10, 2023

World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10, 2023

World Suicide Prevention Day was established in 2003 by the International Association for Suicide Prevention partnered with the World Health Organization (WHO). September 10th of each year is dedicated to focusing the world’s attention on suicide prevention.

The theme, “Creating Hope Through Action”, calls us to take action and participate in the global event. Suicide has a trickle-down effect that not only affects individuals but also families and communities. It is important to help people at risk of suicide understand that there is hope. Show your support for World Suicide Prevention Day by taking action and spreading awareness for mental health conditions in Los Angeles, CA.

As individuals, we can motivate world leaders to enact policies and measures that reduce suicide rates and improve mental health resources in every country. On September 10th, make sure to share suicide prevention posts on social media and show support to those around you.

Objectives of World Suicide Prevention Day 2023

The main goal of World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 is to raise awareness around suicide prevention and call for action. Self-empowerment campaigns are promoted to encourage conversation about mental health issues and reduce self-harm.

People who are experiencing or have experienced suicidal thoughts or behaviors are called to share their stories and seek professional treatment in Los Angeles, CA. Listening to the stories of those struggling with suicidal thoughts may help people understand that they are not alone in their struggle.

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Over 30,000 Americans take their own life each year. Hundreds of thousands more attempt suicide but are unsuccessful. People close to you may be struggling with suicidal thoughts that you do not even know about. A major goal of World Suicide Prevention Day is to educate people about the signs and risk factors of suicide.

World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 is a way to reduce the stigma around suicide and self-harm. Social stigma may discourage people from seeking the help they need. In order to reduce the stigma around help-seeking for suicide, you can do your part by sharing positive messages on social media and checking in with those you love.

Who is at the Highest Risk of Committing Suicide?

The risk of suicide varies by age, race, gender, and other demographics. However, for each group, depression and substance use in Los Angeles, CA are key risk factors for suicide. Other risk factors for suicide include:

  • Mental illness
  • Trauma or abuse
  • Barriers to healthcare
  • Job or financial loss
  • Chronic pain
  • Legal problems
  • Family history of suicide
  • Loss of relationships
  • Social isolation

Historically, elderly adults in Los Angeles, CA have the highest suicide rates. Many seniors have undiagnosed depression exacerbated by the loss of a spouse or loss of connection with loved ones. Chronic pain and illness may also decrease an older adult’s will to live.

Men have the highest rates of suicide, particularly white and American Indian men. Suicide rates for white males are over four times the rate of any racial or ethnic group of women. The stigma around seeking help for mental health issues may dissuade men from getting the help they need.

People have reported that their mental health has gotten worse since the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. World leaders must work together to improve mental health resources in every country. Do your part for World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 and raise awareness around this deadly epidemic.

What are Some Facts About Suicide?

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Over 48,000 people died by suicide in 2021 alone. Also in 2021, it is estimated that over 12 million Americans considered suicide, and 1.7 million attempted suicide.

Suicide causes serious emotional, physical, and economic damage. Families of those who have died by suicide are left with grief, depression, guilt, shock, and trauma that lead to a lifetime of pain. Additionally, those who attempt suicide are left with health conditions that may require long-term hospitalization. It is estimated that health costs related to suicide added up to over $500 billion in 2020 alone.

How Should People Observe World Suicide Prevention Day 2023?

The most impactful way to observe World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 is to raise awareness around suicide. Celebrate on September 10th by sharing suicide prevention posts on social media and talking to those close to you about their mental health. If everyone does their part to prevent suicide, there will be a worldwide impact.

Suicide is preventable and everyone has a role in reducing self-harming behavior in their families and communities. Some ways that you can reduce suicide and suicide attempts include:

  • Improving financial security
  • Reducing access to lethal objects around people at risk
  • Creating protective environments
  • Engaging in individual, group, or family therapy programs in Los Angeles, CA
  • Covering mental health conditions in insurance policies
  • Promoting healthy social connections
  • Reducing access to drugs and alcohol
  • Reporting suicidal behavior
  • Teaching health coping mechanisms

Educate your loved ones and raise awareness for mental health conditions to celebrate World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 on September 10th.

Westwind Recovery® Can Assist with Suicide Prevention Counseling

Westwind Recovery® Can Assist with Suicide Prevention Counseling

Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide, and some measures must be taken to prevent self-harm. Having suicidal thoughts can be overwhelming and you may feel isolated and lonely in your struggle. However, there is hope for everyone struggling with self-harming behavior.

Located in Los Angeles, CA, Westwind Recovery® offers suicide prevention counseling for those in need. This program is designed to reduce suicidal thoughts and promote positive thinking. There is no shame in seeking help. It is crucial to take care of your mental health, and our staff is here to help you.

Contact us if you or a loved one would benefit from our suicide prevention counseling program!