Recovery Blog

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a man struggles with his marijuana addiction

Many people choose to get high for the same reasons that they drink alcohol. Using marijuana to get high might help you feel short-term relief from symptoms of mental health issues like anxiety or depression. You might have stress at work or home, and you smoke weed to cope. Or,…

april is stress awareness month

April has been observed as Stress Awareness Month since 1992. This nationwide, collaborative effort aims to increase public awareness about the causes and effects of stress, which is considered by most in the healthcare field to be an epidemic in the United States. Stress is generally defined as any factor…

national drug and alcohol facts week

Monday, March 22 to Sunday, March 28, 2021, is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW). The goal of NDAFW is to create awareness among teenagers to combat the myths about drugs and alcohol that they are faced with daily from friends, music, TV, social media, movies, and the internet.…

private rehab center in california

Those who are suffering from substance abuse issues often go to great lengths to hide their addiction from friends, family, and co-workers. While it is widely acknowledged that addiction is a disease and needs to be treated as such, for many, there is still a strong stigma associated with substance…

self harm awareness month

Throughout the United States, Canada, and Western Europe, March is recognized as Self-Harm Awareness Month, which calls attention to the nearly two million self-injury cases that occur each year. Much like addiction, self-harm occurs across all ages, races, religions, and socioeconomic and education levels. There is a strong connection between…

private drug rehab

Reaching out for help can be challenging. If your loved one struggles with addiction, understanding their options for treatment can help you give them a way out. A private inpatient drug rehab center can offer support and a high level of care for their journey to recovery. Addiction can carry…

important questions to ask during recovery

Recovery happens after an individual completes their primary treatment and detox programs. Typically, the recovering individual moves to a transitional living facility like a sober living house. At the residence, therapists, trained staff, physicians, sponsors, and wellness experts help guide them through the various phases of recovery. There are a…

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