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a woman creating an addiction recovery plan

When it comes to entering recovery, not having a plan is like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. Recovery is likely going to be the single most difficult thing you may encounter in your life, so you don’t want to take it lightly. In fact, it requires a…

a man struggling with hidden symptoms of addiction

At first thought, you may believe that if someone you love had an addiction, you would be able to tell. You would believe that there are signs or behaviors that would give you a clue that addiction is there. After all, you've read the news, and you've heard the media.…

a man thinking about the myths of relapse

If you have overcome addiction and are working hard on your recovery, you have most likely learned that you are always one step away from relapse. Relapse is real but is not an endpoint. It is a step in the right direction after a small bump in the road. The…

a woman enjoying sober living and drug and alcohol recovery

Drug and alcohol recovery is a difficult and unpredictable journey. After completing an in-patient treatment program, individuals may face obstacles in the ongoing process of recovery once they leave. Medical doctors and chemical dependency experts often provide suggestions or guidelines for how to best handle recovery. Studies show that addiction…

a man finding employment after addiction treatment

You've finished addiction treatment, and you are ready to get back to your adult responsibilities and busy life. However, you are nervous about finding a job. In fact, you are probably full of questions, such as: Will I be able to find a job? Will they ask me about my…

a woman participating in some hobbies in sober living

You have been through treatment, and you have heard time and time again that being bored or having time on your hands can easily lead you back down a road that you don’t want to take. So, what do you do? How do you avoid a relapse that may occur…

a woman finding the first steps of addiction recovery

Recovery from an addiction is a difficult journey, but not an impossible one. Establishing the first steps in recovery will set a path towards a permanent, sustainable, and healthy life, free from addiction and pain. Whether seeking treatment for a drug or alcohol addiction, counseling, treatment, and support are necessary…

woman sitting at desk avoiding stress in recovery

Life is stressful, isn’t it? Sometimes we find ourselves face to face with a ton of demands, and all we want to do is crawl under a rock—and never come out. Too much stress can cause us to lose our grip on what is important. Avoiding stress in recovery is…

guy smiling after learning how sober living homes could prevent relapse

Drug and alcohol abuse is a complex disease that grows from a mix of biological, behavioral, emotional, interpersonal, and social elements. Those who find themselves addicted to drugs or alcohol may have used substances to cope with negative feelings and toxic memories that may have seemed unbearable. For others, substance…

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