As we approach the end of another year, many of us are starting to reflect on the past 12 months and think about what we want to achieve in the coming year. However, instead of focusing on physical goals such as losing weight or getting in shape, it is also important to set goals for our mental health.

If you or a loved one is struggling with a mental health disorder, our luxury rehab treatment in Los Angeles can help you.

The Importance of Setting Goals for Mental Health

The start of a new year can often bring feelings of hope and motivation, making it an ideal time to set intentions for personal growth and self-care. Setting mental health goals in the new year can help us stay accountable and motivated throughout the year, as well as provide a clear direction for our overall well-being.

One way to prepare for the new year is by taking some time to reflect on our current mental state. This could include identifying any areas where we may be struggling, such as managing stress or dealing with anxiety. By acknowledging these challenges, we can then create specific goals that address them.

Remember that progress is not linear and setbacks may occur along the way. Instead of being discouraged by setbacks, use them as opportunities to learn and grow. Consider our mental health intervention program if a loved one is showing signs of mental illness.

Unrealistic Goals Can Impact an Individual’s Mental Health in the New Year

new year goal for mental healthThe start of a new year often brings with it a sense of renewal and the opportunity for a fresh start. This can lead people to set lofty and ambitious goals for themselves, such as losing a significant amount of weight, saving an unrealistic amount of money, or completely changing their lifestyle.

When people set unrealistic goals for themselves, they are essentially setting themselves up for failure. This can lead to feelings of disappointment, frustration, and even guilt. The pressure to achieve these goals within a specific timeframe can be overwhelming and cause individuals to neglect other important aspects of their lives such as relationships, work, and self-care.

While setting goals and resolutions is a common practice for the new year, it is important to be mindful of the potential negative impact of unrealistic expectations. Our mental health treatment programs in Los Angeles can help you set achievable and manageable goals that contribute to your overall well-being.

New Year Resolutions for Mental Health

According to a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, approximately 66% of individuals who make resolutions related to mental health in the new year can maintain their goals throughout the year. This is an increase from previous years, indicating that more people are taking their mental health seriously and actively working towards improving it.

Among the most common resolutions related to mental health in the new year were exercising regularly (55%), eating healthier (50%), practicing self-care (44%), and seeking individual or group therapy (31%). It was also reported that individuals who sought professional help for their mental health were more likely to successfully achieve their goals compared to those who did not seek any form of support.

These statistics suggest that setting specific and achievable goals, seeking support when needed, and prioritizing one’s mental health in the new year can lead to higher success rates related to mental well-being.

Why Set Smaller Goals Instead of Resolutions?

  1. Setting big and unrealistic resolutions can often be overwhelming and intimidating. Setting smaller and more achievable goals allows for a sense of accomplishment and motivation, which can then lead to successfully achieving larger goals in the long run.
  2. Focusing on small and realistic goals helps to create sustainable habits. By starting with smaller goals, individuals can gradually build healthy habits that will last longer and have a greater impact on their overall well-being.
  3. Easing into realistic and small goals allows for better planning and organization. By breaking down these resolutions into smaller goals, individuals are forced to think critically about what needs to be done to reach their end goal.
  4. Starting with smaller goals also allows for better tracking and evaluation of progress. By setting small and achievable goals along the way, individuals can track their progress more easily, which provides a sense of satisfaction and motivation.

How Can a Person Create Healthy Goals and Resolutions?

Before setting new goals and resolutions, it is essential to reflect on past experiences. Take note of what worked and what didn’t work in the past. This will help in setting realistic and achievable goals.

Setting big, vague goals can often lead to disappointment and demotivation. Instead, start with small, specific goals that are easier to achieve. This will give a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue working towards bigger goals.

Having a timeline for each goal is crucial as it creates a sense of urgency to work towards it. However, the timeline should be realistic and achievable; otherwise, it can lead to frustration.

Short-term goals are milestone markers that lead toward achieving long-term goals. Setting both types of goals will help in staying focused on the bigger picture while celebrating smaller victories along the way.

Celebrating achievements is an important part of maintaining motivation. Set rewards for reaching certain milestones or achieving specific goals; this will provide a sense of satisfaction and keep the motivation going.

By following these steps, a person can set themselves up for success in achieving their desired outcomes. Remember to stay motivated, be patient with progress, and celebrate every step towards a healthier lifestyle.

Westwind Recovery® is Supportive of Mental Health Goals All Year Round

new year mental health

Westwind Recovery® recognizes the importance of mental health and its impact on overall well-being. Through various mental health programs, we help individuals develop coping skills and tools to manage their behavioral health. We also offer support groups and individual counseling sessions to address underlying psychological issues.

If you or a loved one is interested in our treatment services, don’t hesitate to contact us. Find the healing you deserve today.