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mental well-being

As important as it is to have a job and stability in one’s career, it’s also just as important not to settle on an occupation. The best thing for an individual is stability for their mental health. As impossible as it may seem, it is imperative to leverage one’s talents…

spiritual wellness can assist with mental health issues

Most individuals would agree that physical and mental health are imperative to a person’s overall function. Some may even say they’re equally as impactful. However, often, people don’t give much thought to their spiritual wellness.

Westwind Recovery® Assists Veterans with PTSD and Depression.jpeg

Most people know Veteran’s Day is a national holiday because banks and government offices are closed. But do you know how Veteran’s Day originated? Originally Armistice Day, Veteran’s Day began on November 11, 1919, the first anniversary of World War 1. In 1926, Congress passed a resolution for an annual…

cognitive behavioral therapy

Manipulation in relationships is a pervasive and complex issue that can deeply affect the emotional and psychological well-being of the involved individuals. Manipulation can take many forms and manifest in various ways, making it challenging to identify. This subtle form of control, hidden under the guise of care or love,…

mental health treatment center in los angeles

The holiday season poses a crucial time for managing mental health. A 2021 survey by the American Psychological Association reported elevated stress levels during the holidays. Such stress can result in physical illness, depression, anxiety, and substance misuse. These statistics highlight the significance of prioritizing mental health during the holidays,…

cptsd triggers

Have you ever wondered why you react so strongly to certain relationship issues or feel like past traumas are affecting your current relationships? You may be experiencing complex PTSD triggers. Complex PTSD is different from regular PTSD and stems from ongoing trauma, often in childhood, rather than a single traumatic…

Westwind Recovery® Acknowledges National Coming Out Day

As we come near National Coming Out Day this October 2023, let’s reflect on the life-altering history and importance of this annual celebration. It's a movement that celebrates self-affirmation, visibility, and community among those who identify with various gender identities or sexual orientations. As such, it has been an empowering…

Westwind Recovery® Can Assist with PTSD from Emotional Abuse

So, you've been through some emotionally traumatic experiences lately. Maybe a toxic relationship, a verbally abusive boss, or a controlling parent. Now you're having trouble sleeping, feeling anxious, and on edge—like the emotional abuse you endured is still haunting you. You're not alone.

opioid addiction treatment in Los Angeles, CA

Opioids and the opioid epidemic as a whole have garnered a significant amount of attention over the years throughout the news and in other media as well. By now, most people have a general idea about what opioids are, what they do from a medical perspective, and how they often…

Westwind Recovery® can assist with Motivational Enhancement Therapy

Motivational enhancement therapy (MET) is a type of psychotherapy that aims to improve a person’s motivation to change. People who enter into self-destructive behaviors such as alcohol and drug abuse are frequently uncertain or have little motivation to change those behaviors. Even though they freely acknowledge the negative impact it…

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