Ketamine is an anesthetic that leads to experiences of zoning out, meaning that it produces feelings of distorted perception, detachment from the environment, and a detachment from oneself. Its effects are similar to those of PCP. At a low dose, effects are impaired attention, loss of the sense of time, and memory loss. Higher doses cause dreamlike states, hallucinations, delirium, and amnesia. Ketamine is a popular club drug because it causes its users to go into a dreamlike state. However, it comes with some dangers, including that it can cause someone to vomit, lose their sense of time, lose their memory, and even stop breathing.

Ketamine is used in medical settings for starting and maintaining anesthesia. Others sometimes use the drug for chronic pain relief or for sedation in intensive care. Although the functioning of the heart, lungs, and airways relax, they usually remain functional. The effects of Ketamine usually begin within 5 minutes of taking the drug and wear off within 25 minutes.

It is when the drug begins to wear off that a person will begin to experience the psychological effects of the drug. For instance a person might feel agitated or confused. They might also experience hallucinations, elevated blood pressure, and muscle tremors. Furthermore, because of the dissociation that the drug produces in people, it can place a person in a vulnerable position to assault, which is why the drug is often used to spike a drink.

Protecting Yourself Against Club Drug Ketamine

If you want to help yourself or a friend stay safe, here are some tips for protecting your drink from getting spiked with Ketamine or another drug:

  • Never leave your drink drug | Westwind Recovery®
  • Say NO to alcohol. Have water or soda instead.
  • Don’t let other people hand you drinks.
  • Do not accept a drink from someone you do not know.
  • Don’t share drinks.
  • Take your drink with you wherever you go, even when you go to the bathroom.
  • Don’t drink from punch bowls or other large, common, open containers. They may already have drugs in them.
  • Make sure you’re drinking with someone you trust.
  • Don’t drink anything that tastes, looks, or smells strange.
  • Don’t accept drinks that are already open. Even a soft drink can get spiked.
  • Be aware of the behavior of your friends. If they appear much more drunk then they should be, you may have reason to be concerned about them.
  • Don’t ever leave a party with a stranger or an acquaintance. And don’t let your friends leave with a stranger or someone they do not know very well.
  • Always go to a party, club, or concert with someone you trust, such as a close friend.
  • Stay away from events where you feel spiking might take place.

These are tips for staying safe with Ketamine and other drugs. To prevent any harm, it might be best to avoid situations in which alcohol or any other drugs are present. Instead, spend your time with others who are focused on sobriety.