Tag: mental health

6 Signs You Have a Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Are you concerned that you or someone you love is showing signs of having narcissistic personality disorder? Maybe you have seen personality changes in a family member or friend. Or you have struggled to maintain healthy relationships or have had negative experiences at work or at school recently. Before seeking treatment for a personality disorder, […]

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10 Celebrities Managing their Mental Health Disorders

If you are struggling with mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder, it can feel isolating. You might not know others who face the same challenges, especially since many individuals prefer to keep their struggles private. This can add to the stigma around mental health issues. However, a number of celebrities have […]

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The Relationship Between Stress and Substance Use

One of the most common triggers of substance use is stress. Many people may not associate stress with their drinking or drug use right away. Instead, they might notice how they felt good when they were high. They might notice that it gave them a break from their usual thoughts and feelings. They might notice [...]
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Substance Abuse and Anxiety Treatment During the COVID-19 Crisis

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the coronavirus (COVID-19) is likely to hit people battling a substance use disorder (SUD) really hard. Those with an anxiety disorder or prone to using drugs or alcohol to cope with anxiety symptoms may also wind up needing anxiety treatment during this time. Meanwhile, widespread panic continues […]

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Psychological Dependence

When people talk about drinking alcohol or taking a particular substance, usually, they focus on how it makes them feel physically. Little is said or acknowledged about the psychological dependence behind every person's addiction. We must acknowledge the role of such dependence and develop a plan to address it. This way, they can reach true [...]
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Understanding the Relationship Between Depression and Anxiety and Addiction

The relationship between depression and anxiety and addiction is a strong one. Because one in four adults with a mental illness also suffers from a substance abuse disorder, it’s critical to understand the connection for effective treatment. So here’s what you need to know and how to get help with substance abuse disorders for yourself […]

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20 Mental Illness Statistics You Need to Know

While millions of people suffer from mental illness in the US, countless individuals and their families remain in the shadows, trying to be strong. They keep it in the family and will not seek professional help. But these mental illness statistics may change how you think about mental illness, loved ones with mental illness, and […]

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What Is Psychotherapy?

What is psychotherapy? Psychotherapy is a form of talk therapy that has proven helpful in treating mental health issues. Also, it's an important part of many addiction treatment programs. Through the use of psychotherapy, clients learn to recognize and to redirect negative or magical thinking patterns. Thus, they may experience reality in a positive and [...]
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